7 Ways to Reduce Recruitment Costs in 2024

7 Ways to Reduce Recruitment Costs in 2024

Companies need access to diverse, experienced talent to thrive in any industry. However, sourcing, vetting, interviewing, and onboarding new employees can be an expensive process.

In fact, in the USA, the average employer spends around $5,000 for each new hire.

As business budgets continue to dwindle, organizations need to find effective ways to reduce recruitment costs, without compromising on talent quality.

In this guide, we’ll discuss 7 effective ways you can cut recruitment costs in 2024, with insightful tips on how to implement each method.

7 Ways to Reduce Recruitment Costs

1. Increase Staff Retention

Perhaps the most obvious way to keep hiring costs low in 2024 is to focus on retaining more of your top talent. The more you can keep the talent you need, the less you’ll have to spend on job advertisements, interviewing, and onboarding new staff.

Think of it this way, some studies suggest that every time a company has to replace an employee, it costs them up to 9 months of that staff member’s wages in recruitment and training fees.

Retain staff members with an excellent employee engagement strategy, the right company culture, and attractive benefits. This not only reduces the amount you spend on bringing new team members into your business, but it can also reduce financial losses caused by disruptions to morale and productivity.

Ways to Increase Staff Retention

Increasing staff retention relies on your ability to create an environment where employees want to work. The more time you commit to creating an exceptional company culture and employee experience, the less likely you are to experience talent turnover. Use the following strategies to boost employee satisfaction and loyalty:

Implement comprehensive onboarding programs

Adding onboarding programs to your hiring process helps new hires integrate into the company culture and ensures they can deliver value to your company faster. It also provides a useful insight into your company’s values and team dynamics, helping to boost employee retention by up to 82%.

Offer competitive salaries and benefits

While today’s employees care about more than just good wages, they expect to be paid what they’re worth. Competitive salary and benefits packages, which include access to retirement benefits, flexible work arrangements, and more, can prevent team members from looking for opportunities elsewhere.

Create a positive company culture

Poor company culture is one of the main reasons talented team members leave your organization. Foster a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and respected. Encourage teamwork, recognize achievements, and promote work-life balance.

Drive employee development

Companies that invest in developing their employees can achieve turnover rates 31% lower than their competitors. Give your employees regular constructive feedback, and help them hone their skills with training, online courses, and mentorship programs.

Conduct exit interviews

When employees do decide to leave your company, find out what caused them to jump ship. Exit interviews can give you valuable insights into areas of your employer brand and company culture you need to improve. This can guide a more effective retention program in the years to come.

2. Leverage Employee Referrals

Actively finding talented professionals to join your team is one of the biggest contributors to a high hiring cost. To reach candidates in a talent-short environment, you may need to spend a lot of money to post ads on job boards and work with external recruitment teams.

Leveraging employee referrals can be a smart way to reduce recruitment expenses, by giving you quick access to a range of talented professionals, without the need to advertise. Referrals can significantly speed up the hiring process, allowing you to tap into the existing network of your employees. You might even find you end up with better, more qualified candidates from referrals.

After all, your existing employees already understand your company’s culture and goals, so they’re more likely to recommend people who will fit well into your organization. An employee referral strategy therefore streamlines the recruiting process and helps reduce turnover.

How to Optimize an Employee Referral Program

To boost hiring efficiency with a referral strategy, you need a program that actively encourages participation from your team members, and helps them identify the right talent for your team. You can strengthen talent acquisition with employee referrals by:

Incentivizing the referral process

Reward employees for actively contributing to your recruitment strategy. When team members guide you towards relevant talent for your team, show your appreciation with bonuses, paid time off, or other benefits.

Make the referral process simple

Ensure employees can easily refer potential candidates to your team. Give them links to job listings they can share with their network. Provide them with helpful insights into your employee value proposition they can share with friends. You could even share video interview examples to help them prepare their friends.

Regularly promote referral programs

Draw attention to your referral program as often as possible. Make sure you mention it when you’re sending broadcast messages and emails to your team members. Recognize and celebrate successful referrals from the past, and ask them to share their experiences with the rest of the team.

3. Use Video Interview Software

It’s easy to overlook the impact of interviewing on hiring costs. While you might not have to pay professionals to conduct interviews for you, every minute your business leaders spend dealing with interviews is a moment where they can’t focus on other, crucial work.

That’s one of the reasons why most hiring managers from Fortune 500 companies now use video interviewing to streamline and optimize talent acquisition.

Embracing a video interview strategy eliminates a range of expenses from the recruitment process. It removes the need for candidates and hiring teams to pay travel costs, and facilitates wider candidate reach with fewer resources, allowing you to connect to a massive talent pool.

Even during high-volume hiring strategies, video interviews can enable companies to schedule crucial candidate conversations more effectively, and reduce time-to-hire. Innovative asynchronous interview software even allows companies to record videos, so they can review and compare candidates at a later date, improving hiring decisions.

How to Reduce Hiring Costs with Video

There are a few different ways to use video interviewing to reduce hiring costs. One option is to use live video interviews to interact with candidates anywhere in the world, in real-time, without the need for travel. This can be a good way to reduce the cost of candidate screening and improve the candidate experience by allowing individuals to engage in an interview from the comfort of their own home.

The far more cost-effective option, however, is to use asynchronous, or one-way video interview software. This technology allows you to record one set of interview questions, and send them to a massive talent pool of candidates, who can respond at a time that suits them.

An asynchronous interviewing solution like Hireflix:

  • Eliminates the need to schedule hundreds of interviews, ensuring managers and business leaders can spend more time on other valuable tasks.
  • Ensures consistency in the interview process, helping to remove bias from hiring decisions, improve employer reputations, and enhance candidate experiences.
  • Widens the talent pool, allowing you to interview and screen hundreds of employees, regardless of where they are in the world.
  • Simplifies the candidate selection process by allowing teams to share interview recordings with other stakeholders, and review options collaboratively.
  • Reduces the risk of hiring the wrong talent by giving businesses a comprehensive way to review interviews and make data-driven decisions.

4. Build Your Brand on Social Media

A strong employer brand is crucial to acquiring talent in a skills-short landscape. While your brand should highlight the benefits of working with your company on every channel, it makes sense to pay special attention to your presence on social media.

After all, 70% of recruiting managers say they’ve successfully hired candidates using social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

An effective employer brand on social media can reduce hiring costs in a variety of ways. First, it helps to enhance the visibility of your business, ensuring you can capture the attention of not just active job seekers, but also passive candidates open to new opportunities.

Building your brand on social media also reduces your reliance on paid job advertising solutions, minimizing external recruitment costs.

Plus, if you leverage social media effectively, it can help augment your employee referral strategy, pushing team members, and even external connections to drive new talent towards your business.

How to Build Your Brand on Social Media

Building an attractive employer brand on social media requires consistent work from your recruitment team and business leaders. Some of the best ways to boost your chances of success include:

Sharing employee testimonials

Sharing feedback from employees who have achieved incredible things with your business is an excellent way to showcase your company culture. It also helps qualified candidates to see how much you value your team members.

Post regular updates

Maintain an active presence on social media channels by posting regular updates. Share photos, videos, and insights from company events, team outings, and team-building exercises for insights into your workplace environment.

Create interactive content

Build engagement with your wider community through interactive content like polls or surveys. Respond quickly to comments and messages left by people on your social channels, and encourage them to interact with your brand.

Highlight awards and accomplishments

Showcase not just the achievements of your employees, but the successes you’ve achieved as a business. Draw attention to the accolades and certifications you’ve earned that demonstrate your brand values.


Consider working with industry influencers and partners in your sector to show thought leadership and expand your reach. You could even ask your hiring manager to create and share interviews with leaders in your circle.

5. Maintain a Talent Pool

One of the reasons the average company’s hiring cost is so high is that many companies wait until there’s a gap in their team before they start sourcing qualified candidates. Unfortunately, since the average time to hire is around 43 days, if you don’t already have a talent pool to tap into, this means your business could face more than a month of significant disruption.

While you’re searching for talent, the productivity and morale of your other team members can begin to diminish, alongside your profit margin. That’s why it makes sense to actively invest in building a talent pool, or talent pipeline.

Proactively building a talent pool shortens hiring cycles by providing access to a selection of pre-vetted candidates who you’ve already established can fit well into your organization. This strategy can reduce the cost of advertising each new job opening, and reduce your reliance on external recruitment agencies. It also ensures you can quickly replace critical people in your team, without compromising on candidate quality or cultural fit.

How to Build and Maintain a Talent Pool

To ensure you have a pipeline of talented candidates ready to fill any job opening, you’ll need to take a comprehensive approach to sourcing talent and building relationships with candidates.

Source talent from a range of environments

Consistently look for new opportunities to find qualified candidates via referrals, social media channels, and networking events. Once you add candidates to your pipeline, regularly review and update their information, keeping track of their skills, employment status, and preferences.

Engage regularly with candidates

Failing to engage with candidates in your talent pool means you’re more likely to experience candidate ghosting or lose access to valuable potential employees. Reach out regularly to let your potential candidates know how your company is evolving, and keep them informed about upcoming employment opportunities.

Host events

Consider hosting regular events that can help you build stronger relationships with potential candidates. Organizing networking events, workshops, and even webinars where you interact with candidates can help strengthen your employer brand, and boost your relationship with future possible employees.

6. Create an Internship Program

Just as retaining talent can help reduce the average hiring cost for today’s businesses, investing in the potential of future graduates can deliver exceptional results. An internship program is an excellent way to cultivate a pipeline of possible future hires. It gives students hands-on experiences within your organization and allows you to rapidly identify promising talent.

Internship programs offer access to low-cost labor, with the potential for high returns. Typically, you won’t pay your interns the same as your full-time qualified candidates, but you’ll still reward them for their input and benefit from the projects they work on.

Additionally, creating an internship program can reduce the external recruitment costs associated with candidate sourcing and job advertising, while enhancing your company’s reputation among career professionals. All the while, this strategy will give you insights into crucial KPIs for recruiters and hiring managers to use when identifying the best talent for your team in the future.

How to Create an Effective Internship Program

Internship programs have the potential to significantly boost your access to qualified candidates and reduce the cost of talent acquisition. However, the program you create needs to be implemented carefully to effectively enhance your employer brand. Make sure you:

Develop structured strategies to match business needs

Design internship projects and opportunities that align with your organization’s goals and objectives. Think carefully about the type of talent you want to cultivate and the skills you need to nurture.

Offer internships across various departments

Broaden your potential talent pool by sourcing interns for various areas within your business. Create internship opportunities for marketing professionals, sales specialists, product development experts, and IT leaders, and consider giving your interns the option to engage in a range of cross-functional tasks.

Provide training and mentorship

Prepare every intern who works with your team for success, either in your business or a future career. Pairing interns with experienced mentors will help them become a more valuable resource within your organization and ensure they can develop the skills they need to thrive in your industry. This improves your employer brand and makes it more likely you’ll end up with excellent candidates in your talent pool.

7. Partner with Local Organizations

Finally, partnering with local organizations is another excellent way to reduce hiring costs, and improve your chances of accessing qualified talent. Currently, 75% of employers worldwide are struggling with finding talent in a skills-short environment.

Lack of access to skilled professionals is forcing companies to spend more money on intuitive recruitment software, external recruitment costs, and job advertisements. Partnering with local organizations can help you reduce those costs. You can leverage community networks to increase your access to candidate referrals and tap into passive candidates for your talent pool.

Plus, this strategy ensures you can boost your brand visibility in your local area, attracting qualified candidates who are close to you and reducing the need for business leaders to pay for relocation costs.

Ways to Partner with Local Organizations

There are plenty of different ways you can partner with local organizations to reduce hiring costs and increase talent acquisition. Options include:

Collaborating on job fairs and networking events

Partner with local chambers of commerce, industry associations, and universities to co-host networking events, workshops, and job fairs. Sharing resources and leveraging each other’s networks will help you attract a diverse talent pool while reducing costs.

Co-sponsor educational programs

Partner with educational institutions and training providers to sponsor programs that align with the needs of your organization. Investing in the development of young talent will help you strengthen your talent pipeline, while also enhancing your company’s reputation.

Participate in local industry associations or engage in community projects

Join industry associations and take part in events, committees, and meetings. Consider partnering with local organizations on community service projects and volunteer initiatives, too. This will help you access a broad selection of talented candidates.

Keep Recruitment Costs Low in 2024

Recruitment costs can have a significant impact on any company’s budget. The strategies above can help you reduce hiring costs without harming your access to qualified candidates.

Remember, implementing the right technology, from an applicant tracking system to video interviewing solutions, can also significantly lower recruitment expenses.

With one-way interview software from Hireflix, you can minimize recruitment costs, accelerate time to hire, improve the candidate experience, and boost your employer brand. Plus, you’ll gain the tools you need to make better hiring decisions and improve retention rates.

7 Ways to Reduce Recruitment Costs in 2024
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